Okay so I am an organization FREAK. A freak in the sense that the Container Store is fun for me. Anyway here's some tips on how to stay clutter free :]
1. Keep tags on purchases. Believe it or not we make a LOT of impulse buys, so keep your tags on purchases. If you don't use whatever you bought within the store's allotted return policy, RETURN IT!!! You bought the latest jacket for $200 and you have a week left of the 90 days return policy. Return it. It not only reduces closet clutter but it also makes your wallet a little bit bigger. Make sure you know policies before you buy something though. Some stores only offer store credit, no matter how you pay. Other stores will give you the credit back to the method of payment, which means save your receipt. Especially if you pay with cash.
2. Keep tabs on your DVDs. I know this sounds crazy but keep an excel spreadsheet of all the DVDs you have. It will come in handy when your collection becomes so large you don't remember which movies you have. Plus it saves you on purchasing duplicates and if you have guests, they can glance through the list instead of the cabinet(s) holding them all.
3. Sell your books, online. Believe it or not even that book you read your freshman year a junior in colllege may need to read. Quickly resell textbooks on half.com. They give you the best bang for your buck plus it's way more than the college bookstore, just don't be stupid and sell it for more than the retail price.
4. Go through your room twice a year. Just one room. Pick a different room every month. That not only reduces clutter but makes it less stressful on you. A little at a time works, plus everything you donate is tax deductible. Donate books to a library and clothing etc to a Goodwill or other charity. But how do you know what to get rid of? Ask yourself these three simple questions: When was the last time I wore/used it? How much did I pay for it? Will I use it again within the next 6 months? If the last time you wore/used it was a year ago or longer, you won't be using it within the next 6 months. Donate it. Some people KNOW how much they paid for something and where they purchased it (like me) and if I feel I wore it out for it's money, it's time to move on.
5. What do I do with my deceased family's stuff? Keep some of it. Take pictures of the rest and sell it. Obviously family heirlooms keep and make sure you display them properly. Ask an antique expert about how to do this. But those workout VHS can move on to the Goodwill shelves, yes your great aunt owned them, but your memories with her must be more valuable than taking up closet space. If you REALLY have a hard time parting with an item, take a picture of it. It takes up a lot less space.
6. Wear everything you own. I know this sounds weird but try this challenge. I wore a different top to school everyday for two months; without repeats. I knew I, 1. Had a spending problem and 2. Needed to make closet space. Everything I didn't think I would wear again but only wore for the challenge I got rid of or sold at a garage sale. And believe it or not wear the stuff that you like. Just because you're "saving it" for a special occasion, you will never wear it and you love it. Don't be afraid to wear stuff you like.
7. Clearing that hard drive. Backup all your digital pictures on CDs or an external hard drive. It takes up a lot of space on your computer after awhile and having them backed up is something you will be grateful for the day your computer crashes.
8. Turn your clothes into something better. Jeans have a hole in the knees? Turn them into capris or shorts. You get to extend the life of the denim. And you know it's time to toss them when there's a whole in the crotch. And honestly ladies you only need like 5 pairs of jeans MAX. Each pair should be a different style/wash so it goes with everything. And you don't need to wash them after one wear. You can wear the same pair for a week, assuming you don't spill anything on them or they smell. No one can tell the difference when you wear the same pair.
9. Purge through your Facebook friends. You really don't talk to 1,000+ people at a time. Delete the people you don't talk to from high school or your first job. If you don't see or talk to them, no need for them to be clogging up your newsfeed. Plus they don't know if you delete them and chances are they won't request for you to re-add them.
I know this is something I normally don't do but if you feel you need more tips on something. Let me know, chances are when it comes to organization, I have some tips. :]
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